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Our Society was formed in 2006 for the enjoyment of those who take an interest in the history of South Warwickshire and beyond. We sustain a lively membership, due to our varied, lively and compelling range of guest speakers, many renowned leaders in their field. To date we have had over 150 talks.
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June 21 2024 The Most Dissolute man in London
William Cavendish, 1St Duke of Devonshire has gone down in history as the saviour of English Liberties and the “most dissolute man in London.” The talk reviews the political life of an aristocrat involved in the overthrow of James II, bringing William and Mary to the throne, but also a life of gambling, womanising and duel-fighting. Cavendish built Chatsworth; the talk looks at the architecture and decoration that took 20 years to be – and was really only done by accident.
Speaker: Dr. Gillian White
The Programme of Talk for 2024-25 is available, click on Programme of Meetings 2024-25
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Our Research Group has published landmark 20th Century social histories concerning Bidford and the surrounding area. Our website provides access to many of our publications. The History Trail takes you on an historic walk. Under Personal Stories we have compiled oral and written history from people who lived in Bidford during the C20th. Bidford extends back to the Neolithic period and with Roman and Saxon occupancy.
We have established the Bidford Archive. This extensive collection of catalogued local historical materials providing an invaluable and detailed guide to history in our area available to researchers.
Bidford extends back to the Neolithic period and with Roman and Saxon occupancy. We manage information held in the Local Studies section at Bidford Community Library.
Bidford Archive | Bidford Local History | Voices from the Past | On-line publications
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If you are interested in history and want to learn more about the past, do come and join us to hear wonderful stories of great people and events. You can catch up also on latest Society news.
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